There are different approaches to yoga: dynamic yoga called "Yang", which includes Hatha yoga, Vinyasa-Flow yoga and Ashtanga yoga. And a gentler form of yoga called "Yin" with Yin yoga, Nidra yoga, Restorative yoga, etc. Yin and yang yogas are complementary. In a balanced practice, the two styles are practised alternately to enjoy all the benefits of yoga.

In her yoga teaching career, Laurence has specialised in Yin forms of yoga. She is also certified in Myofascial Self-Massage, a fascia massage technique for releasing points of tension. Here's a description of these practices and find out which ones are right for you. Laurence teaches them at various locations in Geneva, in private or group classes, as well as in one-off workshops and yoga retreats organised in Switzerland and abroad.

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced practitioner, whatever your physical condition, the benefits of yoga are manifold and you'll find your own personal path. So don't hesitate to contact us for an introduction to yoga with Laurence, a certified teacher since 2013.

This gentle form of yoga involves total mental and physical letting go. The postures are held for several minutes to stretch the muscles and joints. Breathing plays a key role in bringing relaxation and peace of mind. Accessories (blocks, cushions, straps, etc.) can be used to help hold the poses.
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This highly relaxing style of yoga focuses on rejuvenation and the regeneration of calm energy. It's a veritable "revolution against stress". Beneficial for everyone, and especially for people who are tired or stressed, Restorative Yoga encourages beneficial breathing and the release of tension. The postures are held for 10 to 15 minutes in total comfort to achieve inner peace and calm the nervous system.
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Massage and relax your fascia with special balls. Fascias are the membranes that surround all the parts of our body (muscles, organs, bones, etc.) and hold them together. Because of stress, our posture or our activities, these fascias can become painful, with consequences for our health. Thanks to myofascial massage, you can regain your mobility and performance.
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Yoga Nidra is a form of guided meditation that involves lying down and entering a state of deep relaxation. This practice aims to create a state between sleep and wakefulness, where the body can recuperate and the mind can rest. This practice can bring a sense of calm and inner peace. It is said that 45 minutes of Nidra is as restorative as 4 hours of sleep...
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The bath or sound journey is a complete experience in which sounds guide you towards deep relaxation. The vibrations and tones help to calm the mind and release tension or stress. Thanks to singing bowls, gongs, chimes... a sound bath brings a sense of peace and relaxation, creating a meditative atmosphere where stress can melt away. You can enjoy the sound experience in a group or as an individual treatment.
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There are many benefits to meditation, and it can often help you feel more at ease in your life by creating a Zen space in your day. It only takes a few minutes a day. Learn the basics of meditation so that you can apply it to your everyday life. The meditative approach is also an integral part of yin yoga classes, which are based on relaxing the mind.
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